
Millions of students get diagnosed with learning disability/dyslexia and for many acquiring assistive technology devices was out of reach especially for low-income students.
Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities .
Unfortunately child with a disability/dyslexia cannot be cured; it’s a lifelong struggle to adulthood. Individuals suffer a sense of powerlessness. However, students who receive an assessment and an individualized education plan (IEP) to address their needs can succeed in school and life. IEP Guide
Many adults who were never diagnosed while in school did not receive an intervention. symptoms dyslexia in adults
Disproportionately a significant number of low-income students are misidentified and get inappropriate education intervention. NCLD research
For adults who are suffering from dyslexia, it can be more difficult to seek out help, especially if they’ve never received an early diagnosis in school when an assessment and evaluation was free. Medical insurance does not cover this cost. Dyslexia LD assessment
Some adults learn how to remediate but it’s a constant struggle.
Students with disabilities and adults with a learning disability have deficits in language, reading and spelling
Use of Technology has the power to level the playing field for people with dyslexia & learning disability.
There are many tools available to buy or some are free that can assist you with writing and spelling and more.
Tiny wow free tools
There is a tool on-line through the website that’s free and can assist you with your tasks and productivity. You don’t have to open and utilize different software or apps to get your task done .
TinyWow provides free online conversion, of a pdf, and other handy tools to help you solve problems of all types. All files both processed and unprocessed are deleted after 15 minutes.
These tools are useful for people with LD dyslexia especially the tool that can convert to readable format any off document. It can unlock any pdf that is locked .
Some pdfs are in format that are locked and you can’t use speak mode to convert the document to speech from text.
Using TinyWow, once you unlock the pdf, most computers or iPhones can provide a selection to speech mode so you can listen to the written information.
The images tool allows you to write over images, even if the images are in pdf.
This is especially useful for students when they need to hand in homework and make a presentation and many adults can use it at the workplace or for adults who are now working from home.
It will increase productivity and provide a useful tool that many people do not have access to as a full version of software with this capability is pricey. is free
Here is some of the tools they offer PDF tools