Keeping your immune system strong has never been more important than now, during the Coronavirus pandemic.
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ToggleA recent study has shown that Coronavirus victims with a strong immune system have a much better chance of recovery. Even though it is a new disease, a robust immune system is able to produce plenty of antibodies to knock out the disease. There are a number of things you can do — from practicing good hygiene and eating healthy foods, exercising stay away from stress.
Anxiety triggers a stress hormone, which will suppress your immune system. This leaves you more vulnerable to disease and inflammations according to Dr. Sheldon Cohen. According to the National Institute of Stress, a prolonged stressful event is “associated with the inability of immune cells to respond to hormonal signals that normally regulate inflammation.
Coronavirus is adding to the stress of our lives. We worry about the health and the economic future not only of ourselves but of our family and friends. This combination of danger and uncertainty is intrinsically stressful.
This is amplified by the requirement that we practice social distancing, isolating ourselves in our homes for an indeterminate amount of time. This makes it harder to find support from the people we rely on and interrupt so many of the things we normally take for granted.
HowADHD and stress anxiety affects the immune system
People with ADHD and other mental disorders often suffer from anxiety and stress, which impacts their immune system.
Related: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: is there a connection with the immune system?
Tips for Keeping Your Immune System Strong During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Before we get into the details, let us suggest you do one thing for yourself right now: create activities that you enjoy, They will keep you in good spirits, and this will reduce stress and thereby improve your immune system.
Keep up with a daily physical activity to help alleviate your stress, and relieve your anxiety and improve sleep.
Make healthy food choices. Eating a balanced diet and getting the recommended amount of vitamins and nutrients can be a great way to boost your immune system during these stressful times. Make sure your meals include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits are especially important since they contain Vitamin C. Consuming healthy fast is also essential.
Good nutrition will improve everyone’s health It will help boost your immune system and help improve your body’s ability to fight infectious diseases.
Additional Resources: Stock up on these 16 healthy foods to boost your immune system.
Keep away from food sensitivities and foods that cause you to have allergic reactions. They are not efficient foods and will weaken your immune system.
Make sure to get enough sleep. It’s recommended you get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night by the Sleep Foundation. If you don’t get enough sleep at night, consider taking naps, which should be easier now since most of us are forced to work from home.
Meditation and breathing are stress-reducing techniques. Breathing exercises help reduce stress; there are several techniques. The easiest one is ‘belly breathing’.
Find satisfying, achievable things to do: Work on an unfinished project.
Spring cleaning is important this year. Set goals every day while you are home and practicing social distancing.
Related Resources: ADHD People Feel Isolation, Anxiety, and Stress During the Coronavirus Epidemic
There are many supplements that claim they can elevate your immune system. Here some suggestion about to add to your diet from food or supplements
- Vitamin D 3 and immune system– D3 if you staying indoor you will need to take in supplement
- Vitamin C
- B-12
- Oregano oil extract
- Elderberry – can minimize signs of flu
- Garlic
- Ginger -A chemical compound found in ginger called “gingerol” may fight infection.
If you take supplements, remember to consult a medical professional. some supplements may conflict with other medications you are currently using.
The coronavirus puts high demands on parents to learn quickly how to assist their kids as most schools are using remote/distance learning for the first time without having the time to prepare the students. Some parents that work from home need to schedule a time to work and help their kids with schoolwork. Best is to create a schedule to manage your days in advance.
Follow these tips to help you keep your immune system healthy and strong.
- Stress Weakens the Immune System (link) – Source: American Psychological Association Publication
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: is there a connection with the immune system? (link). Source: Springer Link
by Pieter J. Hoekstra – May 2019 Pieter J. Hoekstra
Image by silviarita from Pixabay
Zahavit Paz is a co-founder of LD Resources Foundation. She’s a graduate of CUNY Graduate disabilities study program. She is often a presenter on Assistive Technology at professional conferences in schools and colleges and has written extensively on her personal struggle with Dyslexia and ADHD. She is an advocate for individuals with LD and provides resources and information through the LDRFA website. More info about Zahavit Paz.