Currently Seeking

Content Editor We need an experienced content editor for a new magazine on assistive technology.  Technology is a game changer for people with disability; it has the power to level the playing field.  We are looking for someone who is an excellent writer, eager to learn, willing to be creative and who wants to contribute…

learning disability checklist

Do you or your child have a learning disability or dyslexia? Download our checklist to find out.

LD Resources Foundation ACTION have created this free checklist, available for download, to assist you in determining whether your student or child may have a learning disability.  If you are looking for information on learning and attention issues like dyslexia or dysgraphia please click on the below link. We are aware that most students…


Support LDRFA and Transform Lives of People with Learning Disabilities Your support plays a pivotal role in this endeavor. It’s not just about funding; it will go 100% to students in need and will bring real change. With your help, we can guide to make a meaningful difference in communities that need it most.…